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Library Resources


FREE to Prattsburgh Central School students and their families.

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General Internet search engines are not always reliable.  Students are encouraged to use the research databases purchased by the Prattsburgh Central School District for current and authoritative information.


Brain Pop logo

Brain Pop: Animated educational website for kids. Social Studies, Math, English, Arts, Science




EBSCO Host logo


EBSCO (NOVEL)/ Primary Search: Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia, the Encyclopedia of Animals and the American Heritage® Children’s Dictionary, 3rd Edition from Houghton Mifflin.




Gale eBook Collection  Gale eBook Collection: Access electronic versions of books provided by Gale.



FirstSearch logoFirst Search: Comprehensive reference service with a rich collection of databases. Includes over 9 million online full text and full image articles  from over 4,000 electronic journals.


Gale logoGale (NOVEL): Gale Business and Company Resource Center, including  Business ASAP, Infotrac Newsstand, Gale Health and Wellness Resource  Center, with Alternative Health Module; Twayne’s Author Series.


Grolier Online


Grolier Online (NOVEL): Includes Grolier Encyclopedia Americana, Grolier  Multimedia Encyclopedia, & New Book of Knowledge



SIRS Researcher logo

SIRS Researcher: General reference database with thousands of full-text articles  exploring social, scientific, health, historic, economic, business, political & global  issues.
 Includes engaging resources about books for children and  teens. From one easy website, TeachingBooks allows access to in-studio movies  of authors and illustrators, audio excerpts of professional book readings, guides to  thousands of titles and a wealth of multimedia resources on children’s and young  adult literature.



World Book Online logo

World Book Online: Online encyclopedia.




Tumble Book LibraryTumbleBookLibrary: is an online collection of animated, talking picture books which teach young children the joys of reading in a format they'll love.




The New York Times logoNew York Times Replica Edition: With The New York Times Replica Edition, every page of The Times on your computer looks exactly as it was published in print. It’s not a Web site, but a digital reproduction of the nation’s most honored newspaper page by page, including every article, photograph and advertisement – even the crossword.