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Next Scheduled Board Meeting

Next Board Meeting

The next Regular Board of Education meeting will be held on October 15, 2024.

Location: Room 301

Topic: Regular Meeting

Time:  06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Procedure to Address the Board of Education

When You Have A Concern:

 Sometimes parents and/or community members may have a concern about a specific situation or a certain facet of the school. It is the aim of the entire district to address and resolve these concerns in a timely manner by working through a process which ensures ample opportunity for an appropriate solution. The following four sequential steps ensure ample opportunity for concerns to be addressed and ensure that problems are resolved by the school personnel most directly involved.

  1. When concerns about an issue or problem at school arise, they are often the result of miscommunication or lack of information. Usually these concerns can be rectified by working directly with the source of the issue, in most cases the teacher, bus driver, coach, etc. Parents are encouraged to talk to the school personnel directly involved first.
  2. When these concerns cannot be resolved at their personal level, the Principal or other supervisor may become involved. In most instances, issues can be addressed by this building level administrator who will work with all parties and who has the authority to make directives.
  3. In certain circumstances, an issue may still not be resolved at the building level. In these instances, the Superintendent of Schools may become involved as the next step in resolving a complaint or concern. In most situations, the Superintendent will review existing facts on the matter but also may request further information. The Superintendent has the authority to make binding decisions within the framework of existing school policy.
  4. The final step in addressing public concerns at the school district level is the Board of Education. Typically the Board of Education will only officially hear complaints after they have gone through the appropriate chain of command or upon request of the Superintendent. Per district policy and state guidelines, the Board of Education may or may not elect to hear public comment on an issue and the board may limit the amount of time for public comment as they deem necessary. Requests to speak before the Board of Education or requests for Board of Education review should be forwarded to the District Clerk at least one week prior to a scheduled Board of Education Meeting. The Board may request information in writing prior to reviewing any concern.